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    技术文章您现在的位置:首页 > 技术文章 > 橡胶行业国家标准(一)


    更新时间:2011-06-22   点击次数:5484次

    1 G 化工  橡胶制品及其辅助材料
    1 GB/T 517-1991 畜力车轮胎 Animal vehicle tyres
    2 GB/T 519-1993 充气轮胎物理机械性能试验方法 Test method of the physical mechanical properties for pneumatic tyres
    3 GB/T 521-1993 轮胎外缘尺寸测定方法 Method of measuring tyre peripheral dimensions
    4 GB/T 524-1989 普通平带 General flat belting
    5 GB/T 525-1965 平型胶带物理机械性能试验方法 Test methods for physical and mechanical properties for flat rubber belts
    6 GB/T 529-1991 硫化橡胶撕裂强度的测定 (裤形、直角形和新月形试样) Rubber, vulcanized—Determination of tear strength (trouser, angle and crescent test pieces)
    7 GB/T 531-1992 硫化橡胶邵尔A硬度试验方法 Rubber, vulcanized—Determination of shore A hardness
    8 GB/T 1171-1996 一般用普通V带 Classical V-belts for general use
    9 GB/T 1186-1992 压缩空气用橡胶软管 (2.5 MPa 以下) Rubber hose for compressed air (up to 2.5 MPa)
    10 GB/T 1190-1991 工程机械轮胎 Off-the-road tyres
    11 GB/T 1192-1991 农业轮胎 Agricultural tyres
    12 GB/T 1232-1992 未硫化橡胶门尼粘度的测定 Rubber, unvulcanized—Determination of mooney viscosity
    13 GB/T 1233-1992 橡胶胶料初期硫化特性的测定 门尼粘度计法 Rubber, unvulcanized--Determination of prevulcanization characteristics--Shearing disk method
    14 GB/T 1682-1994 硫化橡胶低温脆性的测定 单试样法 Rubber, vulcanized--Determination of low-temperature brittleness(single test piece method)
    15 GB/T 1687-1993 硫化橡胶在屈挠试验中温升和耐疲劳性能的测定 第二部分: 压缩屈挠试验 Rubber, vulcanized--Determination of temperature rise and resistance to fafigue in flexometer testing--Part 2: Compression flexometer
    16 GB/T 1690-1992 硫化橡胶耐液体试验方法 Rubber, vulcanized-Determination of the effect of liquids
    17 GB/T 1692-1992 硫化橡胶绝缘电阻率测定 Vulcanized rubber--Determination of the insulation resistivity
    18 GB 1795-1996 轮胎气门芯 Tyre valve core
    19 GB 1796-1996 轮胎气门嘴 Tyre valve
    20 GB/T 2438-1981 硬质橡胶压碎强度的测定方法 Ebonite--Determination of crushing strength
    21 GB/T 2439-1981 导电和抗静电橡胶电阻率(系数)的测定方法 Conducting and antistatic rubber--Determination of resistivity
    22 GB/T 2550-1992 焊接及切割用橡胶软管 氧气橡胶软管 Specification for hose for equipment for gas welding, cutting and related processes—Oxygen rubber hose
    23 GB/T 2551-1992 焊接及切割用橡胶软管 乙炔橡胶软管 Specification for hose for equipment for gas welding, cutting and related processes—Acetylene rubber hose
    24 GB/T 2883-1993 工程机械轮辋规格系列 Series of off-road rims
    25 GB/T 2941-1991 橡胶试样环境调节和试验的标准温度、湿度及时间 Rubber—Standard temperatures, humidities and times for the conditioning environmental and testing of test pieces
    26 GB/T 2942-1991 硫化橡胶与织物帘线粘合强度的测定 H抽出法 Rubber, vulcanized—Determination of static adhesion to textile cord—H-pull test
    27 GB/T 2979-1991 农业轮胎系列 Series of agricutural tyres
    28 GB/T 2980-1991 工程机械轮胎系列 Series of off-the-road tyres
    29 GB/T 2981-1991 工业车辆轮胎 Industrial tyres
    30 GB/T 2982-1991 工业车辆轮胎系列 Series of industrial tyres
    31 GB/T 3372-1989 拖拉机和农业、林业机械用轮辋系列 Rims series for tractors, agricultural and forestry machines
    32 GB 3452.1-1992 液压气动用O形橡胶密封圈尺寸系列及公差 Fluid systems--Sealing devices--O-rings--Inside diameters, cross-sections, tolerances and size identification code
    33 GB/T 3452.2-1987 O 形橡胶密封圈外观质量检验标准 Appearance quality acceptance criteria for rubber O-rings
    34 GB/T 3452.3-1988 液压气动用O形橡胶密封圈 沟漕尺寸和设计计算 Fluid power systems--O-ring--Design criteria for O-ring housing--Basic calculation
    35 GB/T 3510-1992 生胶和混炼胶的塑性测定 快速塑性计法 Rubber, unvulcanized--Determination of plasticity-Rapid
    plastimeter method
    36 GB/T 3511-1983 橡胶大气老化试验方法 Rubber, vulcanized--The test method of resistance tonatural weathering
    37 GB/T 3512-1983 橡胶热空气老化试验方法 Rubber, vulcanized--Accelerated ageing or heat-resistance test--Air-oven method
    38 GB/T 3513-1983 橡胶与单根钢丝粘合强度的测定 抽出法 Rubber, vulcanized--Determination of adhesion to singlewire--Pull out test
    39 GB/T 3514-1992 硫化橡胶中游离硫含量的测定 亚硫酸钠法 Rubber, vulcanized--Determination of free sulphur content--Sodium sulphite method
    40 GB/T 3515-1983 硫化橡胶中炭黑含量的测定--热解法 Rubber,vulcanized--determination of carbon black content--pyrolytic method
    41 GB/T 3516-1994 橡胶中溶剂抽出物的测定 Rubber--Determination of solvent extract
    42 GB/T 3517-1992 天然生胶塑性保持率的测定 Rubber, raw natural--Determination of plasticity retention index
    43 GB/T 3672-1992 模压、压出和压延实心橡胶制品的尺寸公差 Dimensional tolerances for moulded, extruded and calendered solid rubber products
    44 GB/T 3683-1992 钢丝增强液压橡胶软管和软管组合件 Rubber hoses and hose assemblies--Wire reinforced hydraulic type
    45 GB/T 3684-1983 运输带导电性规范和试验方法 Conveyor belts--Electrical conductivity--Specification and method of test
    46 GB/T 3685-1996 输送带酒精喷灯燃烧性能规范和试验方法 Conveyor belts--Flame retardation--Specifications and test method
    47 GB/T 3687-1989 V 带的层间粘合强度测定方法 V belts—Determination of ply adhesion
    48 GB/T 3690-1994 织物芯输送带拉伸强度和伸长率测定方法 Conveyor belts of textile carcase--Test method for tensile strength and elongation
    49 GB/T 3777-1996 橡胶用炭黑标准分类命名系统 Standard classification system for carbon blacks used in rubber products
    50 GB 3778-1994 橡胶用炭黑 Carbon black for use in rubber industry
    51 GB/T 3780.2-1994 炭黑邻苯二甲酸二丁酯吸收值的测定 Carbon black--Determination of dibutylphthalate absorption number
    52 GB/T 3780.4-1994 炭黑(压缩试样)邻苯二甲酸二丁酯吸收值测定方法和试样制备 Carbon black--Preparation of sample and determination of dibutylphthalate absorption number(compressed sample)
    53 GB/T 3780.5-1991 橡胶用炭黑比表面积测定 CTAB法 Carbon black used in rubber products--Determination of specific surface area—CTAB test method
    54 GB/T 3780.7-1996 炭黑pH值的测定 Carbon black--Determination of pH value
    55 GB/T 3780.8-1992 炭黑加热减量的测定 Carbon black—Determination of loss on heating
    56 GB/T 3780.10-1992 炭黑灰分的测定 Carbon black—Determination of ash content
    57 GB/T 3780.11-1995 炭黑筛余物的测定 Carbon black--Determination of sieve residue
    58 GB/T 3780.12-1995 炭黑杂质的检查 Carbon black--Inspection of impurity material
    59 GB/T 3780.13-1983 炭黑 (粒状) 倾注密度的测定 Carbon black (pelletized)--Determination of pour density
    60 GB/T 3780.14-1995 炭黑硫含量的测定 Carbon black--Determination of sulphur content
    61 GB/T 3780.16-1983 炭黑单个粒子压碎强度的测定 Carbon black--Determination of individual pellet crush strength
    62 GB/T 3780.17-1995 炭黑粒径的间接测定 反射率法 Carbon black--Indirect determination of particle size--Reflectance method
    63 GB/T 3780.21-1991 橡胶用炭黑筛余物测定 水冲洗法 Carbon black used in rubber products--Determination of sieve residue--Water washing method
    64 GB/T 3781.4-1993 乙炔炭黑pH值的测定 Acetylene black--Determination of pH value
    65 GB/T 3781.5-1993 乙炔炭黑粗粒分的测定 Acetylene black--Determination of grit content
    66 GB/T 3781.6-1993 乙炔炭黑视比容的测定 Acetylene black--Determination of apparent specific volume
    67 GB/T 3781.7-1993 乙炔炭黑吸碘值的测定 Acetylene black--Determination of iodine absorption number
    68 GB/T 3781.8-1993 乙炔炭黑盐酸吸液量的测定 Acetylene black--Determination of hydrochloric acid absorption
    69 GB/T 3781.9-1993 乙炔炭黑电阻率的测定 Acetylene black--Determination of resistivity
    70 GB/T 3782-1993 乙炔炭黑技术条件 Acetylene black--Specification limits
    71 GB/T 4489-1984 平型传动带的宽度和长度 Flat transmission belts widths and lengths
    72 GB/T 4490-1994 输送带尺寸 Conveyor belts--Dimensions
    73 GB 4491-1993 橡胶输血胶管 Rubber transfusion tubes
    74 GB/T 4497-1984 硫化橡胶全硫含量的测定 氧瓶燃烧法 Vulcanized rubber--Determination of total sulphur content--Oxygen combustion flask method
    75 GB/T 4500-1984 硫化橡胶中锌含量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法 Vulcanized rubber--Determination of zinc content--Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
    76 GB/T 4503-1996 轿车轮胎强度试验方法 Strength test method for passenger car tyres
    77 GB/T 5562-1985 胶管胶层物理试验方法 Methods of physical tests for rubber ldyers from finished hoses
    78 GB/T 5563-1994 橡胶、塑料软管及软管组合件 液压试验方法 Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies--Hydrostatic testing
    79 GB/T 5564-1994 橡胶、塑料软管低温曲挠试验 Rubber and plastics hoses--Subambient temperature flexibility tests
    80 GB/T 5565-1994 橡胶或塑料软管及纯胶管 弯曲试验 Rubber or plastics hoses and tubing--Bending tests
    81 GB/T 5566-1985 胶管耐压扁试验方法 Rubber hose--Test method for crush resistance
    82 GB/T 5567-1994 橡胶、塑料软管及软管组合件 真空性能的测定 Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies--Determination of suction resistance
    83 GB/T 5568-1994 橡胶、塑料软管及软管组合件 无屈挠液压脉冲试验 Rubber or plastics hoses and hose assemblies--Hydraulic impulse test without flexing
    84 GB/T 5574-1994 工业用橡胶板 Industrial rubber sheet
    85 GB/T 5719-1995 橡胶密封制品术语 Rubber sealings articles-Terminology
    86 GB/T 5720-1993 O形橡胶密封圈试验方法 Test methods for rubber O rings
    87 GB/T 5721-1993 橡胶密封制品标志、包装、运输、贮存的一般规定 General rules of identification, packaging, transportation and storage for rubber sealing products
    88 GB/T 5723-1993 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶 试验用试样和制品尺寸的测定 Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic--Determination of dimensions of test pieces and products for test purposes
    89 GB/T 5752-1992 输送带标志 Conveyor belts—Marking
    90 GB/T 5753-1994 钢丝绳芯输送带覆盖层厚度的测定 Steel cord conveyor belts--Cover thickness measurement
    91 GB/T 5754-1986 钢丝绳芯输送带纵向拉伸强度的测定 Steel cord conveyor belts—Longitudinal traction test—Measurement of tensile strength
    92 GB/T 5755-1986 钢丝绳芯输送带钢丝绳粘合强度的测定 Steel cord conveyor belts—Cable-to-coating bond test
    93 GB/T 5756-1986 输送带与传动带术语 Terms of conveyor belts and transmission belts
    94 GB/T 6029-1996 硫化橡胶中促进剂的检定 薄层色谱法 Vulcanized rubber-Determination of accelerant-Thin layer chromatographic method
    95 GB/T 6030-1985 硫化橡胶中炭黑分散度的测定 显微照相法 Vulcanized rubber--Determination of carbon black dispersion--Micrographic method
    96 GB/T 6033-1985 硫化橡胶赵氏及邵坡尔硬度试验方法 Vulcanized rubber--Test method for the determination of Jones and Schopper hardness
    97 GB/T 6034-1985 硫化橡胶压缩耐寒系数的测定 Vulcanized rubber--Determination of coefficient of cold-resistance under compression
    98 GB/T 6035-1985 硫化橡胶拉伸耐寒系数的测定 Vulcanized rubber--Determination of coefficient of low temperature resistance at extention
    99 GB/T 6036-1985 硫化橡胶低温刚性的测定 吉门试验 Vulcanized rubber--Determination of low temperature stiffening (Gehman test)
    100 GB/T 6037-1985 硫化橡胶高温拉伸强度和扯断伸长率的测定 Vulcanized rubber--Determination of tensile strength and ultimate elongation at high temperatures
